Nell’immagine vedete due piastre in cui sono stati coltivati dei batteri. I dischetti contengono diverse molecole di antibiotico: più è…
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No, grazie
Caro Zukenberg, cara Facebook, Da qualche mese ho intensificato la mia presenza sulla vostra rete sociale, complice il mio rinnovato…
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Facebook’s security team tracks posts, location for ‘BOLO’ threat list
Facebook security monitors users who have made aggressive comments, as well as former employees, through a “be on lookout” or…
Continue ReadingHow Streaming Music Could Be Harming the Planet – Slashdot
Source: How Streaming Music Could Be Harming the Planet – Slashdot
Continue ReadingThe Internet, Divided Between the US and China, Has Become a Battleground – Slashdot
Questa la scrivo in italiano perché il dibattito qui necessita di essere stimolato: leggete The Internet, Divided Between the US…
Continue ReadingLa cosa più bella
La cosa più bella di WordPress è che sono orgogliosi di fare Software Libero e che lo dichiarano apertamente!
Continue ReadingExploiting Developer Infrastructure Is Ridiculously Easy
The open-source ecosystem is broken Source: Exploiting Developer Infrastructure Is Ridiculously Easy That’s why Debian has its own repositories.
Continue ReadingA damning internal Facebook document
British Member of Parliament publishes 250 pages of damning internal Facebook documents that had been sealed by a US court…
Continue ReadingMicrosoft is building its own Chrome browser to replace Edge – The Verge
Microsoft is building its own Chrome browser to replace Edge – The Verge Another sound and strong reason to stick…
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