Fantasy – Paolo Redaelli A civil engineer with a longlife fondness for Software Libero Tue, 13 Aug 2024 21:37:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 91795679 Tue, 13 Aug 2024 21:37:16 +0000

Gaia is an epic high fantasy comic

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Not for any foreseeable future Sun, 09 Apr 2023 08:34:13 +0000 I was reading
Is Dungeons & Dragons Eliminating ‘Inherently Racist’ Half-Elves, Half-Orcs?

After reading it, I’m pretty sure we will never see a new edition of Dark Sun for any forseeable future 😰

My beloved setting is far too problematic.

I wrote it in Dark Sun – Athas Facebook group; among people stating similar ideas I was struck by this one:

Knowing real world adults who have mixed heritage and had to grow up with the whole “half” idea, this is a good step forward to banishing the idea of race from the game. Sorry you’re all too busy being mad the kids are on your lawn playing their rock music and the world is changing.

I felt the urge to answer:

I was not judging that idea, I was stating that Dark Sun touches so many issues that are sorely problematic in the US of America that I think they will not make a new edition on Dark Sun. There’s a huge difference.

Even if I’m an Italian living near Monza I am devoted to St. Charles Lwanga (see Saint Charles Lwanga (see also a previous post on this blog ) and also Saint David Tanko (he hasn’t been officially declared saint but martyrs are saint by definition).

I haven’t visited the US of America since 2004 and I’m not well informed on its recent social evolution so I can’t really have a grounded opinion on it. As far I can say a too extreme Gini index ( ) plays an important part of all social issues plaguing some parts of the US of America.

You actually can’t banish the concept of species in a game having elves, orcs, halfings and humans. Let’s use asectical, technical words: you can’t also banish the concept of hybrids. Read

“In biology, a hybrid is the offspring resulting from combining the qualities of two organisms of different breeds, varieties, species or genera through sexual reproduction.”

Even Muls’ name and concept (strength, sterility and so on) is patently taken from the equine mule ( )

The US of America is spiraling like the late roman empire, no pun intended. The analogies are far too many not to note it.

I’m saving this here because I fear this thread will be soon deleted.

Here’s some other interesing answer to my two lines post:

Who cares what Hasbro comes up with. Stop buying their garbage and make it your own game.

They can say whatever they want, you are the DM and have final say on anything that hits your table.

Jim Humpries

Ok. They write stories that talk about demons that drag an entite city in Hell and cannot talk about slavery? I think this cancel culture is a bit too much. Slavery does not disappear just because “you” do not say the word!

Even in really civized countries there is a form of slavery (i.e. underpaid jobs).

Carlo Tietz

I also felt the urge to add that «of course my appeal to St Charles and St David is a manifest case of “excusatio non petita”, or like we use to say in Italy “mettere le mani avanti”. Just in case»

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L’artista di The Loop

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For lazy world creators Wed, 16 Jun 2021 19:29:00 +0000

If you want to create an RPG world but feel lazy just pick some point in the past of Earth.

It worked for Dungeouns & Dragon with the Red/blue box known world, later named Mystara (it’s explained in the italian version), so it may work for you too…

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La mucca magica Sat, 21 Nov 2020 13:15:00 +0000 Emanuele Iannone ha scritto questa bella avventura. Molto, molto carina

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Il Blog di Urania » Blog Archive » Urania Collezione 84: Un cantico per Leibowitz Tue, 15 Sep 2020 20:06:17 +0000 Pare introvabile…. Urania Collezione 84: Un cantico per Leibowitz


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Fonts of Mystara’s Maps | Atlas of Mystara Thu, 10 Sep 2020 17:31:11 +0000

Showcasing the variety of fonts used over the course of Mystara’s publication.

Fonts of Mystara’s Maps | Atlas of Mystara

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Albe, non crepuscoli! Sun, 06 Sep 2020 18:16:52 +0000 in quasi tutte le ambientazioni fantasy gli umani la fanno da padrone e gli elfi e i nani sono al crepuscolo, i loro imperi e le loro città in frantumi, gli elfi fuggiti oltre il mare e i nani si stanno estinguendo perché non hanno eredi.

Io vorrei una ambientazione più solare, dove non ci sono solo macerie e ombre del passato.

Sto cercando un’ambientazione dove il mondo è nuovo, dove elfi e nani non sono ancora in crescita, dove i maghi elfici fanno cose grandi, dove i nani operosi stanno ancora scavando le loro mirabolanti città e forgiando magnifici oggetti in oro, Mithril ed Adamantio!

Voglio un’ambientazione dove gli umani sono ancora pochi, piccoli, deboli ed ignoranti.

Qualcosa come la tribù del protagonista di 10000AC

Voglio un’ambientazione dove le foreste degli elfi sono immense e i loro alberi grandi come Vallen o sequoie, se non come gli alberi casa di Avatar!

E gli orchi, sì ci devono essere anche loro. Tentati dal sussurro del male a motivo della loro possanza che rende meno utili le infrastrutture della civiltà. Orchi con +2 FOR, +2 CON, +1 DES ma -2 INT e -1 SAG. Una società basata sul diritto assoluto del più forte.

Esite un’ambientazione siffatta?

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Flood Map: Elevation Map, Sea Level Rise Map Wed, 26 Feb 2020 11:37:52 +0000

Flood Map shows the map of the area which could get flooded if the water level rises to a particular elevation. It may help flood risk assessment or flood management. Sea level rise map. Bathymetric map, ocean depth.

Source: Flood Map: Elevation Map, Sea Level Rise Map via

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A Hypothetical Map of a Terraformed Mars – Earthly Mission Wed, 26 Feb 2020 11:34:04 +0000

If Mars was a living planet.

Source: A Hypothetical Map of a Terraformed Mars – Earthly Mission

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