:: A: Because it’s not the order people normally read. :: Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? ::…
Continue ReadingD&D in italiano, come l’uva
Sorg Come sentirsi gabbati. Ho appena acquistato in preordine Il Manuale del Giocatore D&D 5a edizione in italiano da La…
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Il clicca e vai di Esselunga.
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Abbonamento annuale rivista ioGioco! Abbonamento ioGioco: ricevi comodamente a casa ioGioco. Sconto del 30% per l’abbonamento annuale di 6 numeri.…
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I set up my own company in 2012. After decades of working for other people I felt the time was…
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PatternFly an open source web user interface framework promoting consistency and usability across IT applications through UX patterns and widgets
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Exadata.it usa Libroffice 5: Il buongiorno si vede dal mattino
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I’m quite puzzeled: Centos 7 contains the same software as RedHat so knowing that Red Hat is one of the…
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