Chromium binaries for Android: Oh, they do exist! Archive 60.0.3075.0 (465554, eea08e1) • Wednesday, 19 Apr 2017 This ZIP archive…
Continue ReadingNo more excuses
I got no more excuses now: a store near me sells it and advertizes it. FAIRPHONE 2 Coral Red SMARTPHONE,…
Continue ReadingAnbox – Android in a Box
Anbox – Android in a Box Anbox puts the Android operating system into a container, abstracts hardware access and integrates…
Continue ReadingEdizione 2017 – DUCC-IT
Edizione 2017 – DUCC-IT Oh my! On 6th may I’ve some duties in the morning that I can’t postpone! Let’s…
Continue ReadingX2Go, remote desktop faster than VNC
Sometimes VNC feels too slow, expecially other slow links. Enters X2Go – everywhere@home! X2Go enables you to access a graphical…
Continue ReadingLet’s chat!
I’ve been lingering on OTFC #debian-it IRC channel and the almighty Elena of Valhalla made me discover the importance of…
Continue ReadingIpSec VPN “wizard” A reasonable sane, secure IpSec-based VPN that doesn’t need additional software on the client.
Continue ReadingPictures from the past
Freshwater sushi
Il pesce d’acqua dolce conquista le tavole degli chef. Persico, tinca, anguilla &co. Vol. 1 – Gambero Ross It… can… be….…
Continue ReadingEthical smartphones
Quite obviously when you ask Google to search for “ethical smartphone” it answer with a glowing FairPhone as first answer.…
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