paolo@rigel:~$ sudo badblocks -n -s /dev/sdg
[sudo] password di paolo:
Ricerca dei blocchi non validi (test in moalità lettura-scrittura non distruttiva)
Controllo con un modello casuale: 24.33% done, 8:14:38 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)s)
It’s a long long way to check a 500Gb disk over Usb2 for bad sectors.
I used to carry this disk around. Last summer I plugged it into a TV to play some movie I had on it and it began making a horrible “tlack!”. Ok, I told my family, it’s going to break, let’s make something else.
Now I do really want to check it out, since I already formatted it at low-level and it didn’t show any error.