Intuitive Asynchronous Javascript – Edwin Yung – Medium

Asynchronous Javascript Explained Simply and Intuitively

Escape callback hell with this article!

Asynchronous Javascript is difficult to wrangle. The following is my quick attempt to elucidate their inner workings.

Before we get started, we need to distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous is defined as “happening at the same time”. In computing, synchronous operations happen in order, one after the other like falling dominoes. Many programming languages synchronously comb through the code. It intuitively makes sense: you expect that your code happens in the order in which it was written.


Synchronously, Function2() only executes upon the completion of Function1().

In programming, and in life, we don’t want to wait for a function to finish to be able to do something else. Imagine web browsing and waiting ten minutes for the code to finish loading before your specific action is fired. Fortunately, Javascript has asynchronous functions that allow events to happen outside the normal execution flow without blocking the whole thing. We can deal with out of sync events such as button clicks and timeouts.

Some functions can finish their execution faster than functions that nominally happened “first”. This sounds like it would be “synchronous” under our colloquial definition, but Javascript is mimicking multi-threaded operations where each function is passed to a separate “thread” of execution and the threads race to complete. There is no waiting around like in synchronous land. Formally, since Javascript is single-threaded, it accomplishes asynchronous functions through the event loop (see endnotes).

Briefly, synchronous = “blocking” and asynchronous = “deferred”.

A way to “synchronize” these asynchronous functions is to use a callback. A callback is a function that is passed as an argument to another function (the “parent”), and is executed (“call you back” or “called at the back”) at a certain point during the parent function’s own code runtime. Like a queue, each callback function is appended to the existing ones and popped out in First-In-First-Out (FIFO) fashion.

Often, multiple nested callbacks results in messy looking code (see callback hell). For example, straight from the docs:

To escape callback hell, we can try modularizing our code and make more functions. recommends this approach. I think a better way is to use an abstraction known as promises. A promise is an object that represents the future result of an asynchronous event. It’s a proxy for the eventual outcome.

Promises allow us to easily chain asynchronous operations in sequence and restores powerful tools that we lost when using callbacks: we can throw synchronous errors, end the chain with a catch for errors, and return additional promises or synchronous values. See the below code from the docs for an adaptation of the above code. Don’t get bogged down with the exact syntax; just note the flow and differences with the above code.

In Javascript, promises are created with the new Promise() keyword, which constructs a Promise object which takes a function as an argument that in turn takes two default functions as parameters: resolve and reject. resolve is mandatory, and executes upon successful completion of the promise and it can take a parameter that will return as a value upon completion. reject is optional and executes if there is an error from the promise.

In essence, the Promise object may be thought of something like this:

The Promise object has a then() method that we use to interact with the promise and chain additional promises. It takes the result of the object and returns more promises or synchronous values, or it can be used to throw synchronous errors. We can catch() all the errors at the end without repetition.

This is another example of using promises on an API call.

Essentially, promises are structured callbacks. We can simplify things even further by using ES7’s new async/await capability. This allows us to convert the promise chain to an intuitive try/catch/return structure. This is mostly syntactic sugar, where we can declare functions to be “async” on the outset and preface each promise with the keyword “await”. Then, we wrap the code in a try/catch/return. If you have a promise, calling await on it will put the resolved value on the same scope as the original function.

Now, the above pyramid of doom code has become this:

And the API call code is this:

Using async/await cleans the code to such a degree that I can’t live without it.

With Node, we can use Javascript server-side and leverage its asynchronous capabilities. Indeed, the raison d’être of Node is the speed and simplification arising from an event-driven async process through callbacks. This is in contrast to the heavier sequential and concurrent Apache server that blocks code unless another stack is created. I have oversimplified many things, but hopefully this solidifies our intuition of asynchrony.


For more about callbacks, see:

For more about promises, see:

For more about the event loop, see:

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