A little promemoria For Loops in Shell Scripts
Bash For Loop with Ranges
#!/bin/bash for n in {1..7}; do echo $n done
#!/bin/bash for n in {1..7..2}; do echo $n done
Bash For Loops with Arrays
#!/bin/bash fruits=("blueberry" "peach" "mango" "pineapple" "papaya") for n in ${fruits[@]}; do echo $n done
Bash C-styled For Loops
#!/bin/bash n=7 for (( n=1 ; n<=$n ; n++ )); do echo $n done
Use the ‘Continue’ statement with Bash For Loop
#!/bin/bash for n in {1..10} do if [[ $n -eq '6' ]] then echo "Target $n has been reached" continue fi echo $n done
Use the ‘break’ statement with Bash For Loop
#!/bin/bash for n in {1..10} do if [[ $n -eq '6' ]] then echo "Target $n has been reached" break fi echo $n done echo "All done"