You can use wget to download all PDFs from a webpage by using:
wget -r -l1 -H -t1 -nd -N -np -A.pdf -erobots=off --wait=2 --random-wait --limit-rate=20k [URL]
- -r: Recursive download.
- -l1: Only one level deep (i.e., only files directly linked from this page).
- -H: Span hosts (follow links to other hosts).
- -t1: Number of retries is 1.
- -nd: Don’t create a directory structure, just download all the files into the current directory.
- -N: Turn on timestamping.
- -np: Do not follow links to parent directories.
- -A.pdf: Accept only files that end with .pdf.
- -erobots=off: Ignore the robots.txt file (use carefully, respecting site’s terms and conditions).
- –wait=2: Wait 2 seconds between each retrieval.
- –random-wait: Wait from 0.5 to 1.5 * –wait seconds between retrievals.
- –limit-rate=20k: Limit the download rate to 20 kilobytes per second.
This parameters will avoid the “429: Too Many Requests” error.
Source: How to download all PDF files linked from a single page using wget