Codon: high-performance Python compiler Codon is a high-performance Python implementation that compiles to native machine code without any runtime overhead.…
Continue ReadingListening to Bohemian Rhapsody for the first time
It is funny to see the reaction of “youngsters” listening to Bohemian Rhapsody for the first time
Continue ReadingMatona, mia cara – Orlando di Lasso (Lassus)
How I do love this song!
Continue ReadingWhat are the best private browsers in 2025?
An open-source privacy audit of popular web browsers. Source: What are the best private browsers in 2025?
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Discworld Rules – by Venkatesh Rao – Contraptions
This Discworld Rules is a very interesting article by Venkatesh Rao; it’s rather longish. What caught my attention is this…
Continue ReadingApplicazioni da remoto
Oh, dimenticavo di aver già scritto di waypipe, a proposito dei giochi 3d. Quasi 5 anni fa! Ora la parte…
Continue ReadingNetwork transparency with Wayland (bis)
Oh, I forgot I already wrote about waypipe, regarding 3d games. Almost 5 years ago! Now the boring part. If…
Continue ReadingPierre
Pierre, una “psichedelica” alternativa a GitHub
Continue Reading27-Year-Old EXE becomes Python in minutes (with Claude) – AI-Assisted reverse engineering « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!
Reddit post detailing how someone took a 27-year-old visual basic EXE file, fed it to Claude 3.7, and watched as…
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