Discworld Rules – by Venkatesh Rao – Contraptions
This Discworld Rules is a very interesting article by Venkatesh Rao; it’s rather longish. What caught my attention is this…
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Oh, dimenticavo di aver già scritto di waypipe, a proposito dei giochi 3d. Quasi 5 anni fa! Ora la parte…
Continue ReadingNetwork transparency with Wayland (bis)
Oh, I forgot I already wrote about waypipe, regarding 3d games. Almost 5 years ago! Now the boring part. If…
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Pierre, una “psichedelica” alternativa a GitHub
Continue Reading27-Year-Old EXE becomes Python in minutes (with Claude) – AI-Assisted reverse engineering « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!
Reddit post detailing how someone took a 27-year-old visual basic EXE file, fed it to Claude 3.7, and watched as…
Continue ReadingYou will love Wayfire!
Did you liked Compiz? “Everyone” loved this compositing window manager for the X Window System, with its effects: rotating desktop…
Continue ReadingHow to download all PDF files linked from a single page using wget
imagemagick reduce size of pdf
convert -density 150 -quality 60 -compress jpeg Test.pdf Test-150-060-jpeg.pdf Source: imagemagick reduce size of pdf – Stack Overflow
Continue ReadingClaude 3.7 Sonnet: Rivoluzione nell’AI
Claude 3.7 Sonnet: Rivoluzione nell’AI Scopri le 7 funzionalità innovative di Claude 3.7 Sonnet che trasformano lo sviluppo software con…
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