Removing JavaScript’s “this” keyword makes it a better language. Here’s why.
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How to Easily Build Desktop Apps with HTML, CSS and Javascript
Can HTML, CSS and Javascript really be used to build Desktop Applications? Source: How to Easily Build Desktop Apps with…
Continue ReadingAuto-generated Primary Keys, friends or foes?
Time to read againg Auto-generated Primary Keys, friends or foes? of the almighty Davide. I will save it somewhere, hoping…
Continue ReadingHow to keep your ISP’s nose out of your browser history with encrypted DNS | Ars Technica
How to keep your ISP’s nose out of your browser history with encrypted DNS | Ars Technica
Continue ReadingBitmasks
Bitmask: There Is Space at the Bottom – Bits and Pieces Interesting, but it would be more interesting if Eiffellized.
Continue ReadingHow to force ssh client to use only password auth? – Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
How to force ssh client to use only password auth? – Unix & Linux Stack Exchange ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o…
Continue ReadingErrata Security: Some notes about HTTP/3
Maintainable Code and the Open-Closed Principle – Severin Perez – Medium
A Look at the Open-Closed Principle in JavaScript Maintainable Code and the Open-Closed Principle – Severin Perez – Medium Oh,…
Continue ReadingItalian Linux Documentation Project
Italian Linux Documentation Project ILDP del PLUTO Project – materiale d’annata, ma può tornare utile. Da notare l’uso delle icone…
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