I vecchi portatili, quelli che scaldano servono a far giocare a MineCraft le figlie ed ad iniepidire il vino “delle…
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Non sanno che c’è tenero e duro
There’s a scientific reason no one outside the South can nail them. Source: Why Most of America Is Terrible at…
Continue ReadingThis Map Lets You Plug in Your Address to See How It’s Changed Over the Past 750 Million Years | Smart News | Smithsonian
The interactive tool enables users to home in on a specific location and visualize how it has evolved between the…
Continue ReadingUS Navy Files Patent For Compact Fusion Reactor – Slashdot
US Navy Files Patent For Compact Fusion Reactor – Slashdot Mobile suit Gundam with its Minovsky ultracompact fusion reactor is…
Continue ReadingEat Less Red Meat, Scientists Said. Now Some Believe That Was Bad Advice. – Slashdot
https://m.slashdot.org/story/361636 Direi che possiamo riprendere a mangiar fiorentine, biancostati, bolliti, salsicce e costine senza remora alcuna
DD1020 Rug Greyhawk Maps Area Rug
When you just can’t stop buying D&D-related things: All of our Rugs are custom-made-to-order and handcrafted to the highest…
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Mia figlia insiste: deve far vedere a sua sorella ed a sua mamma “Lo chiamavano Trinità”. Sono un papà felicissimo…
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It was only 282 years ago that Euler presented in his textbooks the exact formula for the volume of a…
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Cara Federica non ci conosciamo – se non attraverso un paio di gradi di separazione – ma devo comunque ringraziarti…
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