Perché la parola inglese “password” non viene quasi mai tradotta? Eppure la traduzione precisa e corretta è sempre esistita: “parola…
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Ah, the magic of Bash! for y in {1..30..7}; do for x in {60..1}; do DA=$(date -d "-$(($x+$y)) days" +%Y-%m-%d);…
Continue ReadingProposte di lettura Fantasy
Letteratura -da Andata e Ritorno Asprin, Robert L. – Saga del Mondo dei Ladri Audley, Anslem – Aquasilva Brennan, Herbie…
Continue ReadingStand Still. Stay Silent – webcomic
Stand Still. Stay Silent – webcomic is a post apocalyptic webcomic with elements from Nordic mythology, set 90 years in…
Continue ReadingStack Overflow: Helping One Million Developers Exit Vim – Stack Overflow Blog
This morning, a popular Stack Overflow question hit a major milestone: Sorgente: Stack Overflow: Helping One Million Developers Exit Vim…
Continue ReadingThe fairy of compromised servers
I’ve been visited by the fairy of compromised servers! Otherwise how would you explain mail like this: From paolo.redaelli@$ Sat…
Continue ReadingFont: Typewriter Cursive
From Font: Typewriter Cursive | ‘i do’-it-yourself® well, I do feel exactly like the author of this page… this font…
Continue ReadingBest firewall ever
Continue ReadingLike a dungeons
Arte camuna…Yet it looks like a dungeon….
Continue ReadingFX Matrix font family
I’m becoming quite fond of font hunting. Today’s catch is FX Matrix font family
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