E due, un’altra ipotesi plausibile sulla posizione della mitologia Atlantide: Atlantis Revealed: Plato’s Cautionary Tale Was Based On A Real…
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Passano le generazioni, ma certi pezzi sono immortali. Mi piace così tanto che la cantavo a mia figlia appena nata…
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Passano le generazioni, ma certi pezzi sono immortali. Piaceva a me. Piace a mia figlia. Sia da bambina che ora…
Continue ReadingOn laziness
Larry Wall had it right when he said that laziness is one of the virtues of a good programmer. But…
Continue ReadingClarke’s three laws – Wikipedia
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Third Clarke’s law. Many fantasy worlds where magic is real often have…
Continue ReadingJavascript insanity?
On Facebook they write I enjoy JavaScript but this is insanity Welcome to a language that has approximate math as the…
Continue ReadingThe Gaussian Integral, explained | Why does pi show up here?
Continue ReadingNon è il mio genere
Bellissimi, ma questi parapetti in vetro proprio non sono il mio genere. Primo, mi sentirei sempre esposto al pubblico ludibrio.…
Continue ReadingI know them all
Linux Networking Commands That You Must Know | by Vikram Gupta | Nov, 2021 | Level Up Coding Fine, I…
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