Sorg Come sentirsi gabbati. Ho appena acquistato in preordine Il Manuale del Giocatore D&D 5a edizione in italiano da La…
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Abbonamento annuale rivista ioGioco! Abbonamento ioGioco: ricevi comodamente a casa ioGioco. Sconto del 30% per l’abbonamento annuale di 6 numeri.…
Continue ReadingThe dream of an RPG world builder
Discovered by chance, the dream of RPG world builders: ultra-realistic alternative planets. So realistic because they’re real! Well, almost PLANETOCOPIA…
Continue Reading[Kids & Dragons] Replichiamolo nella tua città!
[Kids & Dragons] Replichiamolo nella tua città! WOW!
Continue ReadingAnyDice
AnyDice is an advanced dice probability calculator, available online. It is created with roleplaying games in mind. Sorgente: AnyDice
Continue ReadingDungeons&Dragons and TSR fonts
From and 2nd edition logo and headers: Linotype Fritz Quadrata Bold 2E Revised Hardcovers, Headers (PHB, DMG, Labyrinth…
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I almost lost hope to receive it.
Continue ReadingWonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap – Wonder Boy and Wonder Girl Trailer – YouTube
Ok it’s proprietary. But’s so fun for those who played it in their childwood!
Continue ReadingEveryone knows this artwork!
Larry Elmore · Basic D&D Ancient Red
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