Nothing phones Nothing è una azienda basata a Londra la cui missione è rimuovere le barriere tra persone e tecnologia…
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A proposito di Blackview
Blackview ha una fabbrica di 10000 metri quadrati situata in Cina. Source: A proposito di Blackview Ok, grazie
Continue ReadingAccrescent
Accrescent A novel Android app store focused on security, privacy, and usability.
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Mobile application for Linux Phones in FlatHub
Continue ReadingBeeper, all your chats in one app. Yes, really.
Beeper is a universal chat app. built on the open source chat protocol Matrix, Available on Linux and Android (and…
Continue ReadingHow to Uninstall Any Android App With ADB (Including System Apps and Bloatware)
Android phones often come with lots of extra apps installed. If you can’t uninstall them normally, you can remove them…
Continue ReadingOh, my dusty Librem5!
I really need to update my Librem5 that is sadly gathering dust on my desktop and to follow Anbox on…
Continue ReadingCyrus CM17 XA, Android con la tastiera!
Credevo fosse una specie in via di estinzione… Ora la domanda successiva è: Cyrus, chi era costui (cit). Donde viene?…
Continue ReadingOttima notizia
WhatsApp smetterà di funzionare il 31 dicembre 2022 su molti telefoni datati Sono i modelli più vecchi che perdono la…
Continue ReadingHow to DeGoogle any Android phone WITHOUT root! : degoogle
Just a link. I know it is a wide and hard issue, but this can be a start: How to…
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