
Paolo Redaelli

Ingegnere civile strutturista. Se avete bisogno di contattarmi potete farlo in molti modi:

Su Jami la piattaforma di comunicazione distribuita ( mi trovate come ‘paoloredaelli-fp’. Se hai già. Jamie acquisisci questo QR-code

Cosa faccio?
  • Faccio calcestruzzo da una vita
  • Mi piace il software libero
  • Contribuisco nel mio piccolo allo sviluppo del compilatore Liberty Eiffel

Mi trovate su molte piattaforme libere

Sono anche presente su queste altre piattaforme proprietarie ma cerco di usarle il meno possibile

One Reply to “Contatti”

  1. Hello Paolo.

    This is Daniel from I happened to see your Mastodon post about Serena OS:

    I would just like to point out that it was us who originally reported about it (also about an earlier version):

    Including a detailed explanation from the developer himself. From what I’ve seen, many websites, blogs and news sites have read our articles and reported on this project, but very few have actually referenced us.
    This is very frustrating as we are all pure hobbyist editors who research and write articles for our non-commercial site in our spare time.

    In this respect, I would be very grateful if you could perhaps add this to your post or write a new one.
    Thank you very much!

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