Come vuoi andare in pensione? Mi chiede oggi Jetpack. La domanda piuttosto dovrebbe essere “riuscirò ad andare in pensione?” visto…
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Il potere tende a corrompere e il potere assoluto tende a corrompere assolutamente. Lord Acton
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MD IO · Mass-Driver™
A contemporary monospaced typeface family designed for legibility, particularly at small sizes and on digital screens. Source: MD IO ·…
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MRS. HOGESON [crying Old Lady Tears] I’m on a fixed income! And if you can’t help me I don’t know…
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No Title
Never underestimate the most valuable goods you have: people you care’n’love, people caring and loving you, their and your good…
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Inaugurata la terza “velostazione”. Metà dei ragazzi usa i mezzi pubblici mentre pedalando si muovono solo in 3.200. Su “La…
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