Su Debian stable; ma anche sulla mia macchina “da combattimento”, è bastato un sudo apt update; sudo apt -t testing…
Continue ReadingResurrexit sicut dixit!
Regina cœeli Regina cœli, laetare, alleluia;Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia,Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia:Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia. Queen of heaven,…
Continue ReadingInterruzione di pubblico servizio?
A me sembra un pochino interruzione di pubblico servizio. Motivo in più per evitare Netflix come la peste. Il problema…
Continue ReadingAmigaOS Clock
Nostalgia mode, enabled Hello Cave Dwellers this is the official shop for The Cave Source: Clocks – The Cave
Continue ReadingHavards Blackmoor Blog: Blackmoor Player Bill Hoyt Shares Campaign Notes in Free PDF
Source: Havards Blackmoor Blog: Blackmoor Player Bill Hoyt Shares Campaign Notes in Free PDF
Continue ReadingAtkinson Hyperlegible Font
I never say no to a new font. This is a nice Sans-serif font but frankly it doesn’t seem so…
Continue ReadingDuckDB as the New jq
Recently, I’ve been interested in the DuckDB project (like a SQLite geared towards data applications). And one of the amazing…
Continue ReadingCos’è il metodo di cottura Reverse Searing
Tutto quello di cui abbiamo bisogno per cuocere in Reverse Searing a casa è avere un forno e possibilmente un…
Continue ReadingA long time
My main laptop is under repair so let’s restart this old Eeepc. Last boot was in 2020, this machine is…
Continue ReadingLoselesscut or Video trimmer?
Recently I needed to cut several videos for a little presentation I gave in a school about earthquakes and buildings.…
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