[wp-svg-icons icon=”podcast” wrap=”div”] Never encode a constant in more than one place. So I had to resist the temptation to…
Continue ReadingAdding A New Brush (Language) | Viper007Bond.com
While SyntaxHighlighter Evolved comes bundled with brushes (the “plugins” that add support for specific languages) for most of the popular…
Continue ReadingDreaming of Liberty Eiffel and Geotechnics
Tonight I made a strange dream. I was taking an exam, It was geotechnical engineering. It was held in a…
Continue ReadingThimbleweed Park™
I love Free-as-in-freedom software but the child in me really loved Maniac Mansion, Zak Mackraken and the like. So I…
Continue ReadingHow to backup Sql Server to sql file? – Stack Overflow
In “Back UP” I only get a bak file, but I would like to create .sql file Sorgente: How to…
Continue ReadingreMarkable
This reMarkable The paper tablet is a neat idea. Two main cons for me: it looks like a little too…
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Never blame firewall’s rules when the issue may be caused by routing! My system administrator skills are weak.
Continue ReadingHow to revert chown command?
How easy is to mess up a system with sudo! From http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/48845/how-to-revert-chown-command Rpm based distros help a little. I have…
Continue Readinghalting problem : On Vala
Oh my 2 halting problem : On Vala
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Oh, my! WOGUE wroteFeb 21, 11:22 you know guys, in the around 5 years I’m blogging about GNOME, you wont…
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