Slate Announces List of The 30 Most Evil Tech Companies – Slashdot I was chatting about it with an acquaintance…
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C’è ancora!
Evviva, Elèutheros c’è ancora! Un approccio cattolico all’informatica “… e conoscerete la verità, e la verità vi farà liberi.” Giovanni…
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For Tech-Weary Midwest Farmers, 40-Year-Old Tractors Now a Hot Commodity – Slashdot
Midwest Farmers, 40-Year-Old Tractors Now a Hot Commodity More and more people now recognize that the right to repair is…
Continue Reading“L’uomo giusto” che Dio ha in serbo per te: chi è e come riconoscerlo – Una penna spuntata
Come commentavo sull’articolo originale….Bellissimo questo articolo! Me lo salvo per riproporlo tra qualche anno alle mie ragazze…. 🙂 “L’uomo giusto”…
Continue ReadingSECUSHARE
Secushare employs GNUnet for end-to-end encryption and anonymizing mesh routing (because it has a more suitable architecture than Tor or…
Continue ReadingFederation doesn’t work anymore
Nice read this «Federation doesn’t work anymore» from . If I recap it correctly it says something like using federated…
Continue ReadingHow to Automatically Delete Your Google Data, and Why You Should
Google collects lots of data, which is used to curate content recommendations on services like Google Play and YouTube, as…
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