Today I found this flashing notice on the daily mail I get from Let me be cristal clear: While…
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Your source code is public if you don’t know this simple trick. | by Shoaib Mehedi | Dev Genius | Apr, 2021 | Medium
Please read «Your source code is public if you don’t know this simple trick.» by Shoaib Mehedi. Read it carefully.…
Continue ReadingA good reason
Today I’ve read «Linux Is Fine, Nothing to See Here» by This passage got my attention: The difference in…
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Mika Yeap in his recent article “Web Apps Aren’t the Future” correctly hinted that many people hardly use websites, anymore,…
Continue ReadingWhatsApp non ti legge, ma ti spia
Leggete con attenzione Whatsapp: attenzione al ban, soprattutto nelle chat di gruppo. È arrivato il momento di parlare più chiaramente…
Continue ReadingTesoro, mi si è gelato l’inferno!
Usa dirsi “farò $X quando congelerà l’inferno” per lasciar intendere “non lo farò mai” perché si suole considerare l’inferno un…
Continue ReadingAre Xiaomi browsers spyware? Yes, they are… | Almost Secure…/
Continue ReadingA Post-Mortem in 5 Acts, of How Microsoft Privatized Open Source, killing JavaScript in the Process
A Post-Mortem in 5 Acts, of How Microsoft Privatized Open Source, killing JavaScript in the Process After Microsoft’s blitzkrieg take-over,…
Continue ReadingQuando la conoscenza era un ben comune e gratuito
Quando la conoscenza era un ben comune e gratuito
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I’m copying here A short critique of Stallmanism (found on ). Someday I will find time to write a…
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